Feeding the Body, Mind & Soul

Feeding our body with foods we like, our mind with interesting information or discussions and our soul with activities we're passionate about.

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Simple Green Smoothie

A tasty and healthy start to the day

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Smoothies are popular among both kids and adults, but have you ever tried a green one? Green in colour? Well yes! Not your traditional smoothie but delicious nonetheless.

If you haven’t had a green smoothie before, you’re probably wondering whether you’ll like the taste. I too wasn’t sure either, but I was willing to give it a go knowing how healthy green smoothies are. To my surprise, I did like it! So here’s a simple recipe I use which your body will be very thankful for. It’s on the sweeter side so if you haven’t tried one before, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.



1 cup of baby spinach and chard leaves (about 25 gms)

1 small green pear

1/4 small lemon

1/4 cup filtered water

4 ice cubes

Wash and cut the pear into quarters. Remove the core and stem and cut up into smaller pieces. Place into the blender.

Remove the rind from the piece of lemon. Cut in half and add to the blender.

Wash the baby spinach and chard mixed greens and add to other ingredients.

Add the water and ice cubes.

Start to blend at a slow speed and increase to high, blending for about a minute until smooth.


Serves 1.

I’ve also substituted the green leaves with kale (stems removed) which is a super tasty alternative too.


